Top Netflix Picks.

What’s up you guys? I ran a poll via twitter, and you all wanted to see my top Netflix picks. I will be sharing with you my top 5 watches, and why I love them so much. I hope you enjoy. Don’t forget to share my blog with your friends, and hit that follow button. I write a blog every single day , and sometimes I even write two in one day. I sincerely thank you for coming and seeing what this blog is about. ALRIGHT- WE GET IT…. Ok, sorry. Here we go.

p.s- these are IN NO ORDER, BECAUSE I love them all equally in their own ways.

Gentleman Prefer Blondes is my all time, most amazing, most favorite & I could watch it every single day for the rest of my life. Marilyn Monroe is stunning of course in this movie but can we just say a HALLELUJAH  for Jane Russel? Like holy smokes, she is amazing. Go watch this movie, and say thank you later. I know it is a classic but sometimes we all need a little classic in our life. I know a lot of people do not like 1950’s movies but this one is amazing. Trust me on this….

Jess, Luke……..If you lead, I will follow……..where you lead….. Gilmore Girls couldn’t not be on my list. I am obsessed….. THOSE FOUR WORDS, HOLY SMOKES LET’S TALK ABOUT THE FOUR WORDS AND HOW IT NEEDS TO BE A RECURRING THING. Ok, done screaming but those four words…… Rory , Lorelai…… You can’t have a Netflix list without Gilmore Girls.

I watched a  JANIS Joplin documentary and let me tell , I had to watch it again, and again. She is a legend, her music was amazing and this documentary was worth staying up till 3am. She will forever be my favorite, she will forever be remembered as the queen of rock.

When Netflix had Breakfast At Tiffany’s on their list it was the most important movie I have ever watched, and Audrey Hepburn will forever be my favorite actress. I love that movie, I adore the movie, it is my favorite. I LOVE Moon River. I know I said Gentleman Prefer Blondes was my favorite, but I lied. Sorry.

Last but not least- ok so this one was hard because I watch a lot of reality tv shows in the beginning of netflix and since then – I don’t care for them but the one that I binged was of course Gossip Girl. I could lay in bed, watch that and never not get tired of it. I would even bring my apple tv downstairs and watch it… I was obsessed. So if you wanna go back to high school and you love drama- or not…. JUST GO WATCH THIS. OK? It was amazing. I may no I will rewatch every episode and every season this whole entire weekend. I’ll let y’all know how that goes. Xoxo 🙂

Ok- so I’m off to watch Gossip Girl…… comment below your favorite netflix shows, and leave me some suggestions…. I look forward to hearing from you all.



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